paper crafts for kids|art and craft|Lamp art|frog art|art

Paper crafts for kids, Art and craft, Wall Art,Lamp Art,Frog Art,Bird Art:

Simple and easy Craft Ideas:

Wall Art:

This is most easy and beautiful home art decor idea.This may be used as wall art. You just need paper stripes of different colors and glue. Roll 1st stripe and paste its corners with glue then roll 2nd stripe of different color by crossing from 1st one as shown in image below. Repeat this process again and again. You are done. Hang these on wall ,in room or anywhere you want to decor.
wall art decor idea
Multi color wall art decor idea

Frog Art For Kids:

 For this,you need Paper of green color, roll it in shape of cap then cut its sides till mid around 1 inch wide, roll its sides little bit. Draw Eyes, nose, mouth and dots as shown in image below. You are done. 

Frog art
Frog Art

Lamp Art:

Steps are shown in image below. you need square paper of any color of your choice. Fold it then make cuts of around 1 inch wide in center part only as shown in image below, then it and paste it sides with glue. Draw eyes on white paper ,feet and nose on different colored paper and paste these on lamp. You may also add its wings. Now place small bulb in this and You are done.   

lamp art
Lamp Art

Bird Art:

Steps are shown in image below for your ease of understanding of making it. You need a big circled yellow paper cutting for body and two small cuttings of black color for face of bird. Two paper cuttings of black color in shape of simple leaf for wings of bird and black colored feet cuttings. Join these cuttings as shown in image with glue. 

Bird art
Bird art

Follow the steps shown in image below. These steps are so easy to follow. You may understand by just having a look at these steps.
bird art
Bird Art for kids

All in all, there are no. of creative ideas of art and craft for kids. These all are so easy to create that  kids can create these by themselves and engage themselves in good way and enhance their creativity level as well as knowledge about art. You may decorate your home with such easy wall art.
For more such creative art ideas do support my channel and share this link to support creativity. Also check my last posts. For more such wall art ideas Click Here

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