Paper art|Tree Art|Art and Craft|Art for Kids

Paper art, Tree Art, Art and Craft, Art for Kids, Easy Art, Paper Craft, Crafts for Kids:

Creative Ways to draw/create TREE:

Here are some creative art and craft ideas. There are number of amazing ways to draw tree that looks beautiful as well as attractive.You may draw tree in unique way by choosing any one of below:

TREE ART with colorful BUTTONS: 

This type of art may be used as Wall Art. This is east art type that you just need colorful buttons of different size, watercolors, glue. Draw Stem of tree on paper chart with brown watercolor and some branches then just paste buttons randomly that makes shape of tree. Let it dry...You are done. 
You may use it as Wall art and may hang this painting in your room. This enhances the beauty of your room and add creativity to it. For more such wall art ideas Click Here

Tree art with buttons
Tree art with buttons

easy tree art with buttons


For this type of tree art, you need paper of different colors of your choice. Cut it into stripes of around 2 inches wide and 3 to 4 inches long. Draw Stem of tree on paper chart with brown watercolor and some branches then just role these stripes little bit to give these fluffy look as shown in image and paste these on paper by giving the shape of tree top.Let it dry...You are done. 
You may use it as Wall art and may hang this painting in your room. This enhances the beauty of your room and add creativity to it. For more such wall art ideas Click Here

Tree art with buttons
Tree art with paper 


This is the most enjoyable tree art for kids. Kids love to do this type of art. You just need to draw Stem of tree on paper chart with brown watercolor and some branches then just paint your hand with your favorite color and press your hand against paper. Repeat this 4 to 5 times and you are done.

Hand print tree art
Hand print Tree Art 

Another way is to draw stem of tree by painting your hand and pressing it against paper and then to draw top of tree by just making dots of different colors on sheet.

Watercolor Hand print Tree Art
Watercolor Hand print Tree Art


For this,draw Stem of tree on paper chart with brown watercolor and some branches then just splash drops of different watercolors on sheet as shown in image below. 

Watercolor Tree Art
Watercolor Tree Art


For this,,draw Stem of tree on paper chart with brown watercolor and some branches. Cut paper of different colors in circular shape of around 1 inch radius and fold these cuttings from center. Paste these on on the shape of tree top as shown in image.
Tree Art with Paper
Tree Art with Paper Cutting

All in all, there are no. of creative ideas of tree art. These all are so easy to create that even kids can create these by themselves and engage themselves in good way and enhance their creativity level as well as art knowledge. You may decorate your home with such easy art.
For more such creative art ideas do support my channel and share this link to support creativity. Also check my last posts. For more such wall art ideas Click Here

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